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Vajrasati Yoga with Tammy

Spring Updates and Offerings

Vajrasati Yoga with Tammy

Hello beautiful beings,

It's been a while but now feels a good time to share. And now, as much as ever, we need all the tools available to keep us centred, especially with the changing weather - one day our heart opens to spring, the next we are back to grey rainy skies. The contradictory feelings of life opening up, of wanting to be in the world, but also a sense of unease about moving out of our lockdown nests and the simplicity that came with that.

We can really support ourselves and each other through these changes with yoga and meditation. Yoga philosophy teaches us to be present with kindness, awareness and acceptance. We can be grateful for what we have but we can also be authentic for how things really are for us. And by practicing postures, meditation, pranayama and ethics we can cultivate stillness and contentment in our lives.

'Ten thousand flowers in spring, the moon in autumn, a cool breeze in summer, snow in winter. If your mind isn't clouded by unneccessary things, this is the best season of your life' - Wu-Men

What's coming up?

Outdoor Yoga - this was magical last year, every Saturday 10-11.15am, from April in Queens Park: details here

Mindful Mornings - an extended monthly outdoor practice in the beauty of Stanmer Park - walking, yoga and meditation: details here

As well as the draw of being outside it is also important to draw in, to support this I will be offering Restorative Workshopsmonthly at About Balance: details here

Weekly free meditation, every Thursday 8.15-8.45am -click here for a taster 15-min Metta Bhavana (loving kindness) meditation.

And of course the best thing is to keep a regular practice! so please find my Class Timetablehere.

With spring equinox at the weekend I'd like to share this wonderful Poem This Body, Like a Tree by Cathy Lotus

I hope to see you soon, on Zoom or in person, and I look forward to growing our community, to keep on practicing together to nourish a deeper connection to ourselves, each other and the world.

Much love and kindness,

Tammy xx

Outdoor Yoga - YAY!

I am delighted that we can soon practice outside again - last year was the first time I taught outside and seeing the benefit of this on everyone that came was really profound. So, block out Saturday mornings in your diary, contact me for booking details. Discounted class passes available. 'Yoga in Queen's Park with Tammy was the post-lockdown antidote I needed last summer. It felt wonderful to be under the trees, barefoot on the grass, with Tammy's calm, warm, intuitive guidance. I'm not interested in the instagram-friendly beautiful-people yoga that's ubiquitious these days; this is real, grounding, honest, communal. At the end of each session I felt gently stretched out, at ease, centred again.' Tracy "Yoga in the park was magical! What not to like about connecting with your body while watching a blue sky, the tops of the trees, listening to the sound of birds or children playing in the background. Tammy's gentle style makes the self-discovery work and groundness of it all even better." Irene "Tammy's outdoor classes are brilliant. A great balance of stretching, strength and meditative postures for an all round feeling of being refreshed, energised and calm afterward. And a light breeze and sunshine, much better than an indoor studio! Tammy's teaching is also a breath of fresh air and sunshine. I always feel cared for by her clear, experienced and fun approach to teaching. I wouldn't be without it in the summer months!" , Simon

Mindful Mornings 2021

We are all aware of the benefits of nature - practicing yoga and meditation outdoors is a perfect combination. These mornings will include a gentle walk, postures and meditation practice. No experience is necessary. Groups will be small and my hope is that this will be a regular nourishing community event. Book through: BrightonYoga website, or contact me directly. ' You created a really beautiful immersive spacious deeply restorative atmosphere to take us into our practice! 💚😊 it’s still with me as is my connection to the Bramley apple tree I listened to and the beautiful cedar tree '-Tess, Brighton

Restorative Workshops

I am going to be holding monthly restorative workshops to unwind into our natural state of stillness. Restorative yoga is a deeply relaxing, therapeutic style of yoga which brings a profound calmness to the body/mind. It brings a reduction in stress and anxiety and enhances a restful night's sleep. In these sessions we will start with some gentle mindful movement and breathwork to settle in. Moving into a series of floor-based restorative poses, using bolsters, blocks and blankets, we settle into postures that are fully held, allowing the body to reach deep states of stillness and well-being. When the body feels cared for and the mind can let go, we unlock our potential to restore and renew. Great article explaining more here: Why we need to slow down. Dates: 8th May, 7th June, 10th July, 14th Aug, 4th Sept, 3-5.30pm, £25/ £20 book through About Balance, or contact me directly. 'It is not pumping in from the outside that gives wisdom; it is the power and extent of your inner receptivity that determines how much you can attain of true knowledge and quicken your evolution by awakening and increasing the receptive power of your brain cells.' Paramahansa Yogananda


I recorded a recent meditation from our Thursday morning community practice, for you to practice in your own time - its only 15mins - go on give it a go -Listen here.

This Body, Like A Tree.

This body, like a tree

Still standing through countless seasons

Autumn leaves falling red and golden

burnished burnt or rotten

Stories composted or forgotten

shoots of hopes fulfilled or broken

So rich, so ancient, so unspoken.

This body, this tree

scarred and gnarled through wearying winds

weeps sweet sap and wounds too easily

yet still returns abundant, blossoming

never felled withheld from fatal falling

This body, this tree

is held through storms of icy winters

always returning to bud and fruit

and shed the old

Sap rising renewed

with the greening of Spring.

Cathy Lotus


Zoom classes I am offering:all can booked through Move GB or through links below -feel free to message me with any questions, all classes are suitable for all and have a low-cost option. To book click here Tuesdays 6-7.15pm - Nourishing Yoga Thursday8.15-8.45am - Meditation (no charge) 12.30-1.30pm - Yoga and Meditation 4.15pm-5.15pm - Yoga for Stress Saturday 10-11.15am - Outdoor Yoga and Meditation Sunday 6-7.30pm - Yoga and Meditation Further details Yoga for Stress An hour of mindful movement and meditation. The class will increase your parasympathetic response and aid relaxation to reduce stress in body and mind. Nourishing Yoga - Breath-Stretch-Discover These classes are for every-body, and are a mix of postures, breathing techniques (pranayama) and meditation with a little yoga philosophy woven throughout. Community Meditation These are accessible to all and led in a gentle way to welcome us into the day. One-to-one sessions - Zoom or outdoors If you have a particular physical issue you would like to work with, or are feeling stressed and anxious and would like to discover tools to work with this, then I can tailor a one-to-one class for you. Please contact me if you are interested.


Vajrasati Yoga with Tammy HAPPY BODY - HAPPY MIND - HAPPY WORLD Tammy McCann 500hr RYT Trained in: Vajrasati Yoga / Restorative Yoga / Yoga for Immunity and Respiratory Health/ Yoga for Anxiety. Insta and Facebook@ vajrasati_yoga_with_tammy 'I like Tammy's classes because she has a relaxed, natural and interesting way of teaching. Her classes make me feel I am taking time to self nurture. We take time to notice whats going on in our bodies. She makes her classes interesting with practical poses that help my body to deal with everyday aches and pains and that are enjoyable to do. I also like that she includes time for some meditative practice and gives us a reading or an aspect of life to reflect on. They are a treat for body and mind.' Jacqui, Brighton

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