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What's it all about, eh?!?

Dear friends,

"What's it all about, eh?!?" This is a phrase my partner and I often say to each other if we are feeling overwhelmed about the state of the world, or in an existential crisis! Playfully reminding ourselves that actually, no one really knows about 'it' - all we can do is find our own way of navigating through the mystery.

There are so many ways to do this: religion, philosophy, friends, nature etc. One thing we can do is orient our life from our values - I find this so helpful. If you are interested in exploring this Brene Brown has some useful resources.

My values are: Compassion - Community – Creativity.

Everything I do in my life, everything I offer, including my teaching, springs from these. What are your values? I'd love you to share yours.

The main way I deepen my connection with life and work with my values is through the path of yoga. Yoga is a path of deepening our awareness and kindness. I love these words, which I have been sharing a lot lately: “Kindness and awareness work together. Through awareness we understand the underlying beauty of everything and every being.”― Amit Ray.

So here is what I offer to you, and you can find more details of each below:

Saturday 23rd March , 2.30-4.30pm - Restorative Yoga Workshop, at About Balance, Brighton

Sunday 7th April, 10-4pm: Day Retreat at The Earthship, Stanmer Park (3 spaces left)

Thursday 20th June , 6-9pm, Stanmer Park - Yoga and Art Therapy workshop, in collaboration with Nicky, Art Therapist.

Friday 20th September - 1.45-3.15pm 6-week Yoga for Stress Relief Course, at About Balance, Brighton.

September 13th-15th - Weekend Retreat: 'Yoga and Nature Connections' - very excited for my first weekend retreat, I will be holding this together with fellow yoga teacher Lisa. Let me know if you'd like to know more about this.I also have my beloved weekly classes, details below. 

I also offer therapeutic one-to-ones, for anyone who wants to work on a specific issue, or needs focused, guided support. Please get in touch if you want to explore this.

Thanks so much for reading this, and for being in the world, however you are.

With kindness, Tammy

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